Good creative education for everyone
In 2015, the United Nations adopted 17 sustainable development goals. One of these goals is quality education. Royal Talens stimulates creative expression worldwide, because we believe creative expression is essential for the development of every human being. Good quality education does not exist without creative expression.
Our dream and goal
Our dream and goal is good quality education for every child. To achieve this, we help schools and other organisations introduce creative programs for children, because good education does not exist without creative expression and without good education children are limited in expressing their creativity.
At the Royal Talens Foundation we believe that creative expression is essential for everyone's personal development and therefore contributes to a social and better world. Through art and creative expression, children and adults develop qualities and skills that are important for future success. Creativity stimulates our brain, gives us confidence, improves our motoric skills and helps us identify new opportunities and solutions.
The Royal Talens Foundation therefore wishes for people, young and old, everywhere in the world to express their creativity. By giving people the chance to explore their creativity, we are looking to change attitudes and behaviour, and thereby contribute to a better and more sustainable future.
Projects worldwide
The Royal Talens Foundation wants to make a major contribution to good creative education for disadvantaged children and young adults. Every year, the foundation chooses various projects worldwide that meet its requirements. Together we do our outmost to make our contribution to a better world.