Where art meets literature
In November 2024, the Royal Talens Foundation and Stichting Lezen Leren Groeien (Reading, Learning, Growing Foundation) embarked on a remarkable journey to empower creativity among young minds. This collaboration, which took place over three sessions on the 2nd, 9th, and 16th of November, brought together 35 enthusiastic participants from primary and secondary schools.
The project
The theme of the project was "Secrets," inspired by books that explore the impact of secrets on individuals and communities. The children read a selection of books, including "Waterspiegel" by Helga Warmels, "Geen gezicht" by Helga Warmels, "Er groeit een opa in de tuin" by Helga van Kooten, "Let goed op" by Jason Reynolds, "Ghost" by Jason Reynolds, "Patina" by Jason Reynolds, "Tori" by Brian Elstak, and "Vier plus vier is acht" by Inge Misschaert and Inge Bergh.
During the kidsreadingclub moments, the books were discussed in groups, allowing the children to delve into the stories and their themes. Yoshina Davelaar, a talented drawing teacher and artist, then guided the children in creatively processing the theme through language and drawing, resulting in beautiful comic drawings.

Memorable Moments
Impact on the children
The project had a profound impact on the participants. Through creative storytelling and drawing, the children not only explored the theme of secrets but also discovered the joy of language and the power of self-expression. The project fostered a love for reading and creativity, enhancing their reading and language skills, and boosting their confidence.
The project was filled with memorable moments and quotes from the participants, such as:
- "Ik ben trots op mijn tekeningen" (I am proud of my drawings)
- "Is het nu al afgelopen?" (Is it over already?)
- "Juf, ik kan tekenen en rekenen!" (Teacher, I can draw and do math!)
- "Ik vind het leuk" (I like it)

About Stichting Lezen Leren Groeien
Stichting Lezen Leren Groeien (Reading, Learning, Growing Foundation) aims to promote children's development through reading, enhancing their chances of a full place in society. By reading inclusive books, children improve their reading and language skills, broaden their vocabulary, and develop empathy and self-confidence. The foundation's efforts contribute to equal opportunities in education, an inclusive society, and poverty reduction.
For more information, visit lezenlerengroeien.nl or follow them on social media: Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Royal Talens Foundation's contribution
The Royal Talens Foundation played a crucial role in this project by providing high-quality materials and resources. The children used pencils to create their drawings, while younger participants further processed their booklets with felt-tip pens and watercolors. This generous contribution ensured that every child had the tools they needed to express their creativity.